A bed and breakfast recently updated their landscape with the installation of a patio and gazebo, an incredible re-use project. The design of the patio, steps & walkways utilized salvaged medina curbing and historic Jamestown Rustic street brick pavers. Utilizing salvaged medina curbing and historic Jamestown Rustic street brick pavers, the design of the patio, steps & walkways. The exterior of the gazebo knee wall was finished with rustic reclaimed brick to compliment the hardscape.
Using antique materials naturally provides so much character to the historic estate. Adding even more sophistication to the design is the installation of antique street brick pavers in a herringbone pattern. The homeowner also included gorgeous herb gardens on the patio, framed with used medina curbing. The landscape architects involved in this project checked off all the boxes in creating a project with complex, vibrant character by using antique hardscape products. It was an honor for our team to be a part of this project - assisting with finding the right size, color, look and era of materials.